March 2025: Congratulations to Dr. Sigurd Alnes and Dr. Florence Aellen and team for their new paper on the temporal dynamics of neural synchrony and complexity in auditory EEG responses during post-hypoxic ischemic coma!
February 2025: We have a new publication, led by Riccardo Cusinato, on neural timescales and spatiotemporal integration during sleep, assessed with intracranial EEG recordings!
December 2024: New paper by Dr. Pinar Göktepe-Kavis and colleagues on how decision context changes prospective outcome retrieval.
September 2024: Pinar Göktepe-Kavis defended her PhD thesis, congratulations!
August 2024: Dr. Florence Aellen is starting her Venture Fellowship, awarded to her by the University of Bern to work on AI tools to predict coma outcome. Congratulations Florence!
June 2024: Welcome to Alex Christopoulos who joined us as a PhD student!
May 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Sigurd Alnes for defending his PhD thesis!
March 2024: Join us at the Applied Machine Learning Days at EPFL for our track on “AI & Sleep from Everyday Applications to Sleep Disorders: Can AI Lead to a Better Sleep?”!
January 2024: Florence and Athina are delighted to received the Pfizer Reserach prize on Neuroscience and Neurology for their work using artificial intelligence to predict chances of recovery from a coma.
December 2023: Congratulations Sigurd Alnes for the new paper on characterising the neural complexity and spectral slope of auditory responses in wakefulness and sleep.
July 2023: Join us in Montreal, at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping annual meeting, where we’ll be presenting our latest work!
June 2023: Congratulations to Dr. Florence Aellen for receiving a 2023 Swiss Society for Neuroscience publication award!
May 2023: Our latest paper on intrinsic neural timescales and auditory processing is online.
March 2023: Florence Aellen successfully defended her PhD work. Congratulations!
March 2023: Florence Aellen gave an interview on her PhD work at the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine of the University of Bern. You can read the interview here.
January 2023: Our latest paper on how deep learning and auditory stimulation can be combined to predict the chances of a post-anoxic coma patient to regain consciousness was published online.
June 2022: Florence Aellen and Sigurd Alnes will be presenting their work at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
March 2022: Florence Aellen will be presenting a workshop at the Applied Machine Learning Days at EPFL, on the topic of: Algorithmic Decision-Making in Neuroscience: How Can We Improve Algorithmic Interpretability and Reduce Bias?
November 2021: New paper characterising neural signals in patients in a coma. We show that neural synchrony of EEG responses to sounds in the first day of coma is predictive of patients’ outcome three months later. Press release from the University of Bern.
September 2021: New paper on deep learning for EEG signals. We explore deep learning algorithms based on covolutional neural networks for EEG data, and trial by trial changes in discriminatory features.
July 2021: Our new perspective article dealing with gender bias in academia and proposing concrete solutions to increase the representation of women in science is published in Neuron. We additionally have a press release and interview through University of California Berkeley.
June 2021: Join our symposium on Spatio-temporal Brain Dynamics Across Consciousness Levels in Clinical and Healthy Populations at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping!
May 2021: Pinar Goektepe will present her work on multivariate decoding of MEG signals to study auditory predictions at the MEG Nord meeting.
March 2021: Natalia Norori and Athina Tzovara are presenting a workshop on bias in artificial intelligence algorithms for medicine, at the Mozilla Festival.
March 2021: For the Brain Awareness Week, join us at the online event: “Can your science pass a kid’s review?”. Children will be reviewing articles written for Frontiers for Young Minds, exploring functions of the brain.
February 2021: Join our mentoring seminar for women PhD students in Computer science!
January 2021: Our article describing the work done at the Organization for Human Brain Mapping to enhance diversity and inclusivity in an academic setting is published!
September 2020: We are starting a new project to investigate bias in machine learning algorithms for biomedical data, funded from Mozilla Foundation. In collaboration with Natalia Norori, we will investigate how open science tools can be used to recognise and mitigate bias.
September 2020: New review article on the use of intracranial EEG to study congition in humans.
July 2020: Pinar Göktepe finished her master thesis with title: “Machine learning techniques for classifying neural predictive processes based on magnetoencephalography”. Pinar will now join our lab as PhD student.
June 2020: Flo will present her work on convolutional neural networks for analyzing EEG data at the annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
May 2020: New paper using machine learning techniques to evaluate representation of probabilistic outcomes in the human brain is now online.
March 2020: Our new paper with Johannes Sarthein, Tommaso Fedele and colleagues from EPI Klinik, investigating iEEG, single unit activity and BOLD responses in the amygdala is out.
December 2019: Corinne finished her Bachelor’s thesis: ‘Spike Sorting During an Auditory Oddball Paradigm in Humans’. Congratulations!
October 2019: Athina will be presenting work on intracranial EEG recordings and auditory predictions at the annual meeting for the Society for Neuroscience in Chicago.
September 2019: Pinar Göktepe is joining us to work as a research assistant on the development of reproducible pipelines for algorithmic decision-making in the field of neuroscience.
July 2019: We have received an Open Science grant by Mozilla to develop open educational resources on algorithmic decision-making in neuroscience! Great collaboration with Chris Holdgraf and Elpiniki Apostolaki-Iosifidou.
June 2019: Our new paper on the use of high-precision magnetoencephalography for reconstructing sources from the amygdala and hippocampus during acquisition and extnction of threat predictions in humans is out.
June 2019: New paper on participatory research, in collaboration with Open Humans.